How I find, screen, and hire amazing employees – Hiring part 3

1.   As mentioned, as of this writing I use to find employees. I know this website (Indeed) will become dated, but for now it works for me.


2.   When I hire two people, I will probably lose one. It is what it is. To date, I have only lost employees to other jobs the employee took. We aren’t offering the best jobs in the world. Just the best company, owner and leaders.


3.   If you have to hire another person after hiring someone that quits, you probably will have a person or two that you contacted about the job. You hired someone else, but they were on the short list of potentials. Hire the next person in line if you can.


4.   I won’t hire men that have just gotten out of construction, auto repair or worked in restaurants as cooks. The mindset is probably not going to be right for this job, plus restaurant cooks occasionally use drugs while working. Not trying to be mean or derogatory, just saying what I know based on my 20s. Don’t go hating on me for being real.


5.   I am looking for someone that comes across as intelligent and friendly during the interview. I’ve passed on people that weren’t.


6.   I won’t hire someone that smokes cigarettes. I wouldn’t want that smell in my house and I know most other people wouldn’t either. People that vape are up to you. For now, that’s ok with me.


7.   I keep my carefully chosen employees by being kind.


8.   If you’ve hired right, your employees want to do a good job. Lead (help) them when needed.