Money is an odd thing. We all want a lot of it. But why? Choices!

Small Business Information



Short answer is because money gives us a wider range of choices. Examples:

I have needed the AC in my car fixed for over a year now (It gets above 110 degrees here in the summer). I didn’t (still don’t) have the money to get it fixed. If I had enough money I would chose to have the AC fixed.

I have accumulated $3,000 in debt starting the house cleaning business. If I had enough money I would chose to pay that off today.

79% Of Americans Believe More Money Will Make Them Happier. Here’s Why They’re Wrong – Forbes 

I have an old car I am making payments on. If I had enough money I would chose to pay it off lickty split.

My sister, mom and dad and my youngest brother have quite a bit of wealth. This allows them to choose to do things I can’t, like travel, own a home, buy newer cars, etc.

I will say again it’s not about the money. It is about being able to make choices.

Want more choices? Try is onsite link.

30 Side Hustle Ideas To Make Extra Money In 2024 – Forbes

How To Start A Business In 11 Steps (2024 Guide)

50 Money-Making Crafts You Can Easily Do At Home –


How I find, screen, and hire remarkable employees

Hiring part 1

great employee

Savanah, me in the background.

Unfortunately, Savanah moved to Las Vegas.

Money is an odd thing. We all want a lot of it. But why? Choices!



"I have an old car I am making payments on. If I had enough money I would chose to pay it off lickty split."